Monday, 4 October 2010

Glad Tidings...

Okay, so here it is - the moment you've all been eagerly awaiting for the past twelve days. We have reached December in the Sheep Calendar, and the caption that has given rise to speculation and eager anticipation throughout the globe...

Okay, so Martin guessed it with the first go. I didn't promise you Mastermind, did I? Here it is...


Congratulations, Martin - a signed print shall be winging its way to you presently, in time for you to flog it on ebay before Christmas (good luck with that :-/).

And thanks to all who kept it alive with their guesses. There were some highly entertaining suggestions (for a variety of reasons), including a good few I received by text and email. But for me, in the end, when all is said and done, at the end of the day, taking all into consideration, and any other cliché I've missed, I have to award the prize for the most amusing alternative to Jim Barker for his suggested scene of an old sheep celebrating the New Year 'Bells' with a young sheep, and the caption of "A Ram, A Lamb, A Ding-dong". That was truly inspired, Jim, and a print shall also be in the post to you shortly.

Thanks to everyone for looking in and taking part. I hope to have more silliness anon.


  1. Thank you : ) - I shall await the postman with renewed enthusiasm! - Martin

  2. Thank ewe from me, too. Another Brightie to add to my collection.... :) - JimB

  3. Congratulations Martin and Jim. I may have to make friends with the postie sharpish so that I can intercept the delivery before it reaches Martin, mwahahahaha!

  4. Congrats to Martin and Jim....great series of cartoons Steve,enjoyed them all...
